AEROCLUB VOLOVELISTICO LARIANO Aeroporto di Verzago – Alzate BrianzaVia Isonzo, 226 (fraz. Verzago)I-22040 Alzate Brianza (CO)Scrivici a: Indirizzo PEC: +39 031 619250 +39 031 632345 Seguici sui nostri social: request for a single pilot stage Pilot Info Arrival date Departure date Did you fly in Alzate before? noyes Emergency Contact Glider Details Self launching: noyes Type: single seattwo-seater Accomodation Accomodation: Independent, outside the airportI will be a guest in a friend's tent/caravan/camper at the airportI will bring my own tendI will bring my own caravanI will bring my own camper van Note The data is processed following our Privacy policy. Coordinate geografiche45° 46’ 10″ N09° 09’ 40″ E Coordinate bancarieBanca di Credito Cooperativo dell’Alta Brianza – Alzate BrianzaVia IV Novembre, 54922040 Alzate Brianza (Como)IBAN: IT 29 O 08329 50860 000000012029BIC: ICRAITRR950Intestatario conto corrente: Aeroclub Volovelistico Lariano Dati fiscaliC.F. 94005450138 P.IVA 02057250132